Train Your Brain Prepare with Dedication No Sweat No Win

Class 8-E1: Table Matching

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A

Column B

a)  The secret of success lies

i)    every moment is valuable.

b)  Many of us often forget that

ii)   when we will die.

c)  Life is short

iii)  we have to do a lot of work.

d)  We don’t know

iv)  but art is long.

e)  In this short period

v)   in the proper use of time.


        (a+v)      ¦     The secret of success lies in the proper use of time.

        (b+i)       ¦     Many of us often forget that every moment is valuable.

        (c+iv)     ¦     Life is short but art is long.

        (d+ii)      ¦     We don’t know when we will die.

        (e+iii)     ¦     In this short period we have to do a lot of works.

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A

Column B

i)     Punctuality means coming

a)  to form the habit of punctuality.

ii)    It is really a

b)  or doing something at the fixed time.

iii)   It enables a man to

c)  great virtue.

iv)   It also teaches us how to

d)  make the proper use of time

v)    So, we all are required

e)  be responsible and dutiful to prosper in life.


        (i+b)       ¦     Punctuality means coming or doing something at the fixed time.

        (ii+c)      ¦     It is really a great virtue.

        (iii+d)     ¦     It enables a man to make the proper use of time.

        (iv+e)     ¦     It also teaches us how to be responsible and dutiful to prosper in life.

        (v+a)      ¦     So, we all are required to form the habit of punctuality.

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A

Column B

i)     There is no denying the fact that

a) honesty and integrity.

ii)    Without having honesty in us

b) ornament of human character.

iii)   So it is imperative to achieve

c)  our civilization can never reach the pinnacle of success.

iv)   It has a

d) noble and sterling value.

v)    It is just like an

e)  honesty is the custodian of a good civilization.


        (i+e)       ¦     There is no denying the fact that honesty is the custodian of a good civilization.

        (ii+c)      ¦     Without having honesty in us our civilization can never reach the pinnacle of success.

        (iii+a)     ¦     So it is imperative to achieve honesty and integrity.

        (iv+d)     ¦     It has a noble and sterling value.

        (v+b)      ¦     It is just like an ornament of human character.

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginning of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A

Column B

i)      Man cannot

a)  prosperity for their self interest.

ii)     He wants persons

b)  live alone.

iii)    But everybody with whom we mix and converse

c)  with whom he can mix and converse freely.

iv)   Some gather round us only in our

d)  they desert us altogether.

v)    But when we are in trouble,

e)  is not a friend in the true sense of the term.


        (i+b)       ¦     Man cannot live alone.

        (ii+c)      ¦     He wants persons with whom he can mix and converse freely.

        (iii+e)     ¦     But everybody with whom we mix and converse is not a friend in the true sense of the term.

        (iv+a)     ¦     Some gather round us only in our prosperity for their self interest.

        (v+d)      ¦     But when we are in trouble they desert us altogether.

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A

Column B

i)     A flood is

a)  by melting of snow and tidal bore.

ii)    Heavy rainfall

b)  a natural calamity.

iii)   It is also caused

c)  the main cause of flood in Bangladesh.

iv)   It causes a lot of

d)  good to our soil by scattering silt.

   But it also does

e)  damage to our lives and properties.


        (i+b)       ¦     A flood is a natural calamity.

        (ii+c)      ¦     Heavy rainfall is the main cause of flood in Bangladesh.

        (iii+a)     ¦     It is also caused by melting of snow and tidal bore.

        (iv+e)     ¦     It causes a lot of damage to our lives and properties.

        (v+d)      ¦     But it also does good to our soil by scattering silt.

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A

Column B

i)     There was once

a)  fond of gold.

ii)    He was extremely

b)  this golden touch could make him the happiest map.

iii)   He wanted more

c)  though he had a lot of it.

iv)   He wised for

d)  the golden touch.

v)    He thought that only

e)  a king called Midas.


        (i+e)       ¦     There was once a king called Midas.

        (ii+a)      ¦     He was extremely fond of gold.

        (iii+c)     ¦     He wanted more though he had a lot of it.

        (iv+d)     ¦     He wished for the golden touch.

        (v+b)      ¦     He thought that only this golden touch could make him the happiest man.

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A

Column B

i)     Deforestation means

a)  rising rapidly.

ii)    The effects of deforestation are

b)  carbon-dioxide is increasing worldwide.

iii)   Due to deforestation

c)  serious damage to the soil.

iv)   The sea level is

d)  too many to describe.

v)    It also causes

e)  cutting down of tress in large number.


        (i+e)       ¦     Deforestation means cutting down of trees in large number.

        (ii+d)      ¦     The effects of deforestation are too many to describe.

        (iv+a)     ¦     The sea level in rising rapidly.

        (v+c)      ¦     It also causes serious damage to the soil.

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in Column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences :

Column A

Column B

i)     Early rising

a)  gets enough time to perform his tasks.

ii)    It makes

b)  get up early from bed.

iii)   It helps

c)  is a good habit.

iv)  An early riser

d)  our health free from diseases.

v)   We should

e)  the persons who are not able to finish their works in time.


        (i+c)       ¦     Early rising is a good habit.

        (ii+d)      ¦     it makes our health free from diseases.

        (iii+e)     ¦     It helps the persons who are not able to finish their works in time.

        (iv+a)     ¦     An early riser gets enough time to perform his tasks.

        (v+b)      ¦     We should get up early from bed.

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Every student wants to do

(a)   needs to know the good process of reading,         writing and knowing

(ii)   But most of them

(b)   well in the examination

(iii)  As a result, they can’t

(c)   do not know how to do it

(iv)  To do well in the examination, a student

(d)   to do well in the examination, but there are         certain things to do well in the examination

(v)   It is true that there is no magic

(e)   achieve the good result that they desire

        Ans. (i) + b; (ii) + c; (iii) + e; (iv) + a; (v) + d

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    The Headmaster asked

(a)   ‘you did very well’

(ii)   Her mother taught to

(b)   and gave her a seat

(iii)  The Headmaster said

(c)   two people in school

(iv)  Mrs. Amin welcomed her

(d)   read Bangla and English

(v)   She knew

(e)   her name and she answered

        Ans. (i) + e; (ii) + d; (iii) + a; (iv) + b; (v) + c

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    There are some

(a)   is in the rhythm and information

(ii)   American has developed

(b)   enhanced by changes of meaning

(iii)  Differences are also

(c)   differences between British and American

(iv)  Such differences are

(d)   new ways of speech

(v)   The primary difference

(e)   found in pronunciation and accents

        Ans. (i) + c; (ii) + d; (iii) + e; (iv) + b; (v) + a

  1. Match the phrases in column A and B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Florence did not

(a)   studied how sick people were nursed back         to health and strength

(ii)   Instead of going to parties, she visited

(b)   like easy and pleasant occupations of society

(iii)  She was shocked by

(c)   herself to the hard task of improving the         hospitals

(iv)  She went out to Germany and France and

(d)   London hospitals and learned there all she         could about nursing

(v)   She returned to England and devoted

(e)   the roughness and stupidity in the hospital

        Ans. (i) + b; (ii) + d; (iii) + e; (iv) + a; (v) + c

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Lalon Shah was a

(a)   known as Lalon Akhra in Cheuriya

(ii)   His disciples mostly live

(b)   from Kushtia railway station

(iii)  He founded an institute

(c)   in Bangladesh and West Bengal

(iv)  It is about 2 km

(d)   as the founder of the Baul music

(v)   He is also regarded

(e)   Bengali saint, mystic, social reformer etc.

        Ans. (i) + e; (ii) + c; (iii) + a; (iv) + b; (v) + d

  1. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Smoking is a

(a)   the environment

(ii)   It causes

(b)   our lungs

(iii)  It damages

(c)   lose their appetite for food

(iv)  People addicted to smoking

(d)   dangerously bad habit

(v)   Smoking also pollutes

(e)   many fatal diseases

        Ans. (i) + d; (ii) + e; (iii) + b; (iv) + c; (v) + a

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Mount Everest is

(a)   India between Tibet and Nepal

(ii)   It is in the north of

(b)   fascinated climbers always

(iii)  It was named after

(c)   in the Himalayan Mountains

(iv)  He was the first to

(d)   George Everest, an Englishman

(v)   Mount Everest has

(e)   survey the Himalayas

        Ans. (i) + c; (ii) + a; (iii) + d; (iv) + e; (v) + b

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    A dictionary is

(a)   of a language and gives necessary information about them

(ii)   It lists the words

(b)   the synonyms and antonyms of a word

(iii)  Example sentences are

(c)   made by adding prefixes and suffixes to the root word

(iv)  It also gives

(d)   given in italics to make the meanings of the words clear

(v)   We find words

(e)   a collection of words of a particular language

        Ans. (i) + e; (ii) + a; (iii) + d; (iv) + b; (v) + c

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Education is

(a)   make the right choice to go ahead

(ii)   It broadens

(b)   is to enlighten the individual

(iii)  It refines

(c)   the process by which our mind develops through formal learning

(iv)  Ecuation helps to

(d)   our sensibility

(v)   The purpose of education

(e)   our outlook

        Ans. (i) + c; (ii) + e; (iii) + d; (iv) + a; (v) + b

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Nakshi Pitha is

(a)   then rolled out

(ii)   Dough is prepared

(b)   for preparing varieties of Nakshi Pitha

(iii)  The dough is

(c)   by cooking unboiled rice

(iv)  Designs of plants, creepers and flowers are         picked out with

(d)   an important women’s folk art

(v)   Women of greater Mymensingh are famous

(e)   date thorns, haipins, needles, jute sticks etc.

        Ans. (i) + d; (ii) + c; (iii) + a; (iv) + e; (v) + b

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    The secret of success lies

(a)   every moment is valuable

(ii)   Many of us often forget that

(b)   when we will die

(iii)  Life is short

(c)   we have to do a lot of works

(iv)  We don’t know

(d)   but art is long

(v)   In this short period

(e)   in the proper use of time

        Ans. (i) + e; (ii) + a; (iii) + d; (iv) + b; (v) + c

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    A wise man is one who is able to think clearly

(a)   which will train us to use our knowledge wisely

(ii)   Knowledge is very powerful

(b)   much we know, we remain foolish

(iii)  We need a special kind of education

(c)   and then act in such a way that the best results follow

(iv)  There has been a great increase in the scientific knowledge during the

(d)   but knowledge by itself does not make a man wise

(v)   Without wisdom, however

(e)   present century but the wisdom of man has not increased at the same rate

        Ans. (i) + c; (ii) + d; (iii) + a; (iv) + e; (v) + b

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Floods sweep

(a)   in famine

(ii)   Floods result

(b)   on fields and make them alluvial

(iii)  We know

(c)   under control by constructing dams

(iv)  Floods can be brought

(d)   what floods often do to us

(v)   Silts are scattered

(e)   away all sorts of rubbishes

        Ans. (i) + e; (ii) + a; (iii) + d; (iv) + c; (v) + b

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Trees give us

(a)   trees indiscriminately

(ii)   They provide us with

(b)   about natural disasters

(iii)  But we cut down

(c)   deforestation and take care of our environment

(iv)  Consequently, we are bringing

(d)   oxygen

(v)   So we should check

(e)   shade and shelter, fruits and so on

        Ans. (i) + d; (ii) + e; (iii) + a; (iv) + b; (v) + c

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    People do not eat the same food

(a)   on it’s geographical position, climate and soil

(ii)   It varies from

(b)   a lot of fruits and vegetables

(iii)  The eating habits of the people of a country depend

(c)   place to place

(iv)  People in the tropical countries eat

(d)   are taro roots, breadfruit and seafood

(v)   The chief foods of the people of Hawaii and         Polynesia

(e)   all over the world

        Ans. (i) + e; (ii) + c; (iii) + a; (iv) + b; (v) + d

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Physical exercise means

(a)   of all exercises

(ii)   There lies a close connection

(b)   regular physical exerci

(iii)  One should take

(c)   between body and mind

(iv)  Physical exercise is essential

(d)   the regular movement of the limbs of our body

(v)   Walking is the best

(e)   for our physical and mental health

        Ans. (i) + d; (ii) + c; (iii) + b; (iv) + e; (v) + a

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Education is the

(a)   basic human needs

(ii)   It is one of the

(b)   mind and refine our sensibility

(iii)  It helps us distinguish

(c)   backbone of a nation

(iv)  It can enlighten our

(d)   between right and wrong

(v)   It broadens

(e)   our outlook too

        Ans. (i) + c; (ii) + a; (iii) + d; (iv) + b; (v) + e

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Books are believed

(a)   new knowledge and idea

(ii)   They are always ready

(b)   us laugh

(iii)  Some books will give us

(c)   us much pleasure

(iv)  Some books will make

(d)   men’s best friends

(v)   Again some books will give

(e)   to stand beside us

        Ans. (i) + d; (ii) + e; (iii) + a; (iv) + b; (v) + c

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Illiteracy is still

(a)   without education

(ii)   The majority of our

(b)   people are still illiterate

(iii)  They fail to choose

(c)   dominant in our country

(iv)  They are backward

(d)   to play in the campaign for the removal of illiteracy

(v)   Every educated person has a role

(e)   between right and wrong

        Ans. (i) + c; (ii) + b; (iii) + e; (iv) + a; (v) + d

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    A really educated mother plays a vital role

(a)   her children will be educated

(ii)   A child grows up always

(b)   largely indebted to its educated mother

(iii)  An educated mother knows well how to bring up

(c)   in contact with its mother

(iv)  So, if the mother is educated, naturally

(d)   to build up an educated nation

(v)   An educated nation is therefore

(e)   and nurture her children to make them         worthy citizens of they country

        Ans. (i) + d; (ii) + c; (iii) + e; (iv) + a; (v) + b

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Lutfur is a poor boy

(a)   his own livelihood

(ii)   He starts his day

(b)   living in a slum

(iii)  He has to maintain

(c)   to school

(iv)  He cannot go

(d)   means of entertainment

(v)   He has no

(e)   in search of polythene bag and scrap paper

        Ans. (i) + b; (ii) + e; (iii) + a; (iv) + c; (v) + d

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Lutfur is a poor boy

(a)   his own livelihood

(ii)   He starts his day

(b)   living in a slum

(iii)  He has to maintain

(c)   to school

(iv)  He cannot go

(d)   means of entertainment

(v)   He has no

(e)   searching for polythene bags, paper and other materials

        Ans. (i) + b; (ii) + e; (iii) + a; (iv) + c; (v) + d

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Pahela Baishakh is

(a)   to start life with renewed hopes and inspiration

(ii)   They day is a

(b)   public significance

(iii)  This day has a

(c)   it forms a part of Bengalee culture and tradition

(iv)  It is because

(d)   special holiday

(v)   It inspires people

(e)   the first day of Bangla new year

        Ans. (i) + e; (ii) + d; (iii) + b; (iv) + c; (v) + a

  1. The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i)    Friction between teenagers and parents

(a)   control, the more they become rebellious

(ii)   It can certainly be avoided

(b)   and thoughts of the older generation

(iii)  The more the parents try to

(c)   is very common

(iv)  Another source of friction is

(d)   if parents are wise and tactful

(v)   They are against the ways

(e)   the difficult behavior of adolescents

        Ans. (i) + c; (ii) + d; (iii) + a; (iv) + e; (v) + b

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    • BQ-1: Gap Filling Preposition & Article
    • Gap Filling with Clues (SSC English 2nd Paper)
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    • BQ-1: Gap Filling Preposition & Article
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